Christine McCaffrie_The Janus Illusion

Christine McCaffrie

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The Janus Illusion

Christine McCaffrie

Matt Martin is an almost perfect young man. Handsome, gifted and kind, he opposes Australia’s entry into World War I, yet he impulsively enlists in the army in support of a friend, Artie McIver. He is in love with an Aboriginal girl, Sally Wirrun, whose clairvoyant aunty, Mollie, gives him a talisman – a stone with face-like markings on both sides. The power of the stone should keep him safe. But something goes terribly wrong.

Ninety-one years later Matt finds himself inhabiting the body of a drug dealer, Damien Hunter, whose character is the antithesis of his own. Not only does he have to cope with the strange life of the twenty-first century, but he apparently has hidden a drug stash, that its owners want returned and that he naturally knows nothing about.

He is assisted by two young women, Kerryn Dean and Emma Barrington who have inherited clairvoyant abilities. They both love him, but for very different reasons.

His new life is fraught with danger, disaster and deception as he tries to evade a psychopathic drug lord, Ivor Stanley, and his friends. Romantic entanglements and expectations cause further complications, and he considers ending it all.

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